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Experienced YouTube Ads Media Buyer For Pool businesses
Budget: $TBD

Technologies: video

We run a specialized marketing agency helping Pool Businesses Owners to get more leads, appointments and clients with YouTube ads. While most other marketing agencies help everybody with everything, we’ve decided to only focus on YouTube ads for pools businesses. This gives us a competitive advantage and our clients love it. About the Job: We’re looking for a rockstar YouTube ads manager to work with us and deliver amazing results to our clients. As our YouTube ads manager, you will work with us on *per client basis* and be responsible for the following tasks: *Setting up and launching YouTube campaigns *Setting up retargeting pixels, custom conversions etc. *Daily management of YouTube campaigns once they go live *Build & A/B test high-converting landing pages. * etc, etc Requirements: As the title says, we’re looking for an experienced YouTube ads manager for pool businesses owners and this doesn’t mean anybody… You must satisfy all of the following requirements to be considered for this job: *Experience setting up, launching and managing effective YouTube campaigns for pool businnesses owners or contractors in general *Proven track record that you’re able to prove *Knowledge of landing pages, funnels, conversions, testing etc. *Ability to check on client campaigns and report results into a Google Spreadsheet daily. How to Apply: To apply for this job please send over a brief 1-2 minute loom video about why you believe this job is for you. Please confirm that you meet all the requirements and send as much proof as possible to back it up. Finally, why should we hire you over all the other applicants?