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GHL expert especially with deliverability knowledge
Budget: $TBD

Technologies: software

Are you someone with experience in the technical deliverability side of GHL, funnel building for conversion plus email marketing experience to make suggestions based on the latest marketing concepts? Then this could be the start of a long term working relationship based on mutual respect. After a recent move to GHL (Cometsuite) from Keap and Clickfunnels for a new campaign to an existing list divided into cold and warm segments with a new offer … but things have stalled. Although deliverability looks great through Mailgun emails are ending up in spam (even mine to myself) and open rates have dropped from typical 25% to 12% in GHL. Could this just be the combination of the two lists.. not sure. The campaign is now paused whilst I get you an expert in GHL setup and deliverability to help. I need deliverabilty assessed, for this and one other sub account setup, also the funnel audited and checked (previous issues with contact being reproduced due to sticky contact and contact not getting bonus email as wrong tag on new client file) and a few questions on survey question that results in the ability for a person to provide multiple answers. An audit is needed with recommendations and implementation of those recommendations. The person who setup the campaign thinks all the boxes are ticked but I’d like an expert to audit the setup. It might be as simple as a sendgrid SMTP change or it might need a review of the campaign (maybe copywriting improvements are needed, which could involve you if this is also an area or another freelancer if you are able to fix the first half of this problem). My gut feel is that dispute warming up the new domain through paid software for a few weeks and using the mailgun account of the white labeled GHL company, that there is something a miss. This could well be the start of something big once we knock this one over. I have multiple campaigns begging to be launched.