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Social Media Optimization & Social Media Marketing
Budget: $TBD

Technologies: social, video

Key responsibilities for social media managers Social media marketing managers’ responsibilities revolve around organizing and running marketing campaigns over social media platforms (such as: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat). Typical responsibilities include: Creating content, including text posts, video and images for use on social media Promoting products, services and content over social media, in a way that is consistent with an organisation’s brand and social media strategy Scheduling social media posts using applications such as Hootsuite and TweetDeck Interacting with customers and dealing with customers’ enquiries Developing new social media strategies and campaigns Managing a budget to be spent on promoting social media posts and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising Keeping track of data and analyzing the performance of social media campaigns Collaborating with colleagues from across marketing departments to ensure branding is consistent Meeting with clients and other stakeholders (such as social media influencers). These meetings may involve pitching potential marketing campaigns.