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Market Research :Back pillows
Budget: $TBD


Market Research the following; 1. Top 10 Back Pillows with features that are more than just a back pillow. For Example: Zippers or any type of functionality to the back pillow. What are the Names and Features of these top 10 back Pillows? 2. How well is the back pillow industry doing on the market in the US & Globally? 3. Percentage of women with cellulite in world? 4 Percentage of women with cellulite in America? 5. Percentage of individuals worldwide suffer from Chronic pain? 6. Percentage of individuals Americans suffer from Chronic pain? 7. Percentage of Americans suffer from Low Back Pain? 8. Percentage worldwide suffer from Low Back Pain? 9. Percentage of Americans suffer from Neck Pain? 10. Percentage worldwide suffer from Neck Pain? 11. What are the Top 10 pillows for pain relief on the market? 12. What are the benefits and features of the Top 10 back pillows for pain relief on the market right now? 13. What are the Top 10 Back Pillow price points and type of materials used?