Sid, an engineering manager of a big MNC has been busy since receiving a call from his boss that morning.

His boss told him about the new project, features to be built and released to market within 3 months' time, an additional $1M is made available.

He has to act fast, it is not possible to hire talent and develop product in such a short time, only way is to reach out to vendor partners.

He worked for a whole week gathering details, drafting SOW, reviewing it multiple times and submitting to finance department.

He then talked to multiple vendor partners and finally zeroed in on one who can respond quickly.

He kept following up for finance approval of SOW, personally pinging/calling each of the persons responsible for approval.

He got the product manager and solution architect to clearly document the features and solution it so developers can pick up and work smoothly.

All well, but….

He waited, waited, waited and finally called up the vendor manager to find out the status of developers on-boarding. He was shocked to hear that the vendor does not have the bench strength to support this need and hiring is in progress. He was furious. If it is hiring from the market, he could have done it. The only reason he went with the vendor option was to get the readily available capacity.

He asked vendor manager to pull out people from different engagements and support the need, that was also not possible.

He is getting call every day from his boss about the status of the project and how critical the it is for the company.

He tried with his colleagues to get developers temporarily but everyone is running short of dev strength and they are struggling too.

Sid is tired and scratching his head thinking what to do.

Just then his mobile rang, "Che", his friend is on the line. Che runs his own consulting shop, he recently won a good project, has been busy with that.

Che: Hey bro

Sid: Hi man

Che: What happened, you sound dull, all okay?

Sid then explained the project, delays then inquired about how his new project was coming along.

Che: Man, you know how these projects go, I rushed ramping the team, hired talent paying premium to the market but we are now waiting for the work to kick-off. It's been more than a month now, people are sitting almost idle. I cannot afford this kind of delays.

Sid: Dude, it's crazy. I have work and money but do not have people to work on. You have people who are sitting and waiting for the work. Your team could have picked up development.

Che on a lighter note, "you onboard me as your partner but that's not possible, your company has only larger vendors".

Sid: I am serious.

Che: I am also serious dude. There must be a mechanism for any company to get work done from any partner. But the current way of working doesn't allow that.

Sid: Then, let's change the way of working.

Che: How?


It's time for companies to approach platform working model. Turn to AiDOOS @

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