Web application development is the activity and practice of creating applications running on a web server and accessed over a network, such as the internet or intranet. Its most common motivation is the ubiquity of web browser s as a naturally client-independent interface. They can range from simple web pages to billions of dollars in real-time, database-driven business processes. 

The range of tasks they do include content, order processing, logging in, store, and a remembered visit, among many others. It must go through the various steps of any application planning step, almost all development, multiple test patterns, deployment step, and also service supports. Additionally, many programming languages, environments, and tools used to develop, test, and run applications. Decisions on how does to configure when to expire developing web applications include things like UI/UX design, receptiveness, output, expandability, and security.

The Significance of Scalability and Security

The scalability and security of the modern web app are two more critical aspects that have a direct effect on a business’s chance to grow and protect its data .

  1. Scalability: This means that the web application can grow—through more data, users, or more computationally expensive tasks—without suffering a drop in performance. A scalable web application is better equipping to deal with huge increases in data processing needs or user activity spikes while maintaining an even user experience. For a business that intends to grow, scalability is crucial. The more customers and data can be handled by a web application without having to be redeveloped from scratch, the better. 
  2. Security: As lately, use of the internet to process personal and sensitive information has multiplied, security grows in importance. Data breaches, hacking and unauthorized access have become something to worry about. A secure web application is required to protect personal information, financial data and business secrets to ensure user trust. Security is a composite aspect that covers all parts of the development process, including codding practices and deployment strategies, and is necessary to protect against the variety of emerging threats.


Scalability and security are two of the most critical aspects of contemporary web applications. Indeed, they guarantee a good user experience and protection from potential dangers. Scalability ensures that a growing number of clients and requests do not harm the level of service, while security authenticates that the application is safe and can be trusted by consumers. Scalability and security thus make web applications strong and effective.

Understanding Scalability

Scalability, in the context of web applications, is a web application’s ability to manage increased loads without compromising performance or user experience. Increased load can involve processing more concurrent users, more extensive sets of data, or higher rates of transactions, amongst other factors. Scalability is a critical property for web applications; the scale allows a firm to remain alive and responsive as a business grows or experiences fluctuations in demand.

In all cases, scalability is not only ensuring the growth of the application but also flexibility and efficiency. In other words, when the application scales well, then regardless of the conditions of the load, it will show the normal characteristics of behavior. This is important for a user who wants constant access to the service and only fast loading. This goal can only be achieved if the performance is saved all the time. In addition, scalability also favors the economy because no over-provision is needed and resources are used much more efficiently.

Types of Scalability

When developing web applications, there are two main types of scalability strategies, namely vertical scaling and its counterpart horizontal scaling, and each has its merit and use case. However, in practice, they are usually applied concurrently to achieve the highest possible level of scalability. 

  1. Vertical Scaling (Scaling Up): This also known as scaling up, is done by enhancing in-place hardware or server resources. This usually implies increasing the number of CPUs , memory, or storage on one server to handle additional load . The most straightforward method to scale an application is usually Up, as it does not necessitate changes in the concepts of the application itself. Over the other hand, it has its constraints since one can only upgrade a single server up to a point.
  2. Horizontal Scaling (Scaling Out): Horizontal scaling, on the other hand, involves the addition of more servers or instances to spread the load over many machines. It may handle much higher load gains by spreading the work and fully utilizing the parallel processing power offered by several servers . Although it is simultaneously difficult to implement since it frequently necessitates modifications done to how the application ensure data consistency, session handling, and communications are done between servers. But, it is the most scalable solution in the long run since resources can be added or taken away automatically dependent on consumer request.

Building Scalable Web Applications

Designing for Scalability: 

1. Tips on Designing with Scalability in Mind

  1. Modular Architecture: Implement the application in a modular architecture whereby different sections are developed, deployed, and scaled separately. Through this design, it would be possible to scale specific aspects of the application without affecting the entire system.
  2. Asynchronous Processing: Tasks processing should be designed to be asynchronous as much as feasible. Queuing tasks and processing them on independent threads outside the main user request flow would enhance system performance and scalability.
  3. Caching Strategies:  Using the caching technique can save the database from heavy loads and quicken the time of response. Detect the fields or resources that are not often changed and cache them to avoid loading the database with repetitive requests.
  4. Efficient Resource Management: It is important to pay attention to the resource-consuming segments and optimize them . For instance, use fewer CPU, memory, and traffic by adding some logic to your algorithms and reduce the size of the data entries from the clients’ requests to the server and vice versa.

2. Stateless Design

  1. Advantages of Stateless Applications: Applications which keep the user session data in the client side do not need scaling based on user affinity. For the reason that any server could procedure every request, this matches best stateside implementations to horizontal scaling approaches.
  2. Implementing a Stateless Design: Use tokens , for instance, JWTs, to sustain user sessions and store session data on the client side or in a unified data store all instances could obtain. This procedure makes it easier to scale applications and recover their dependability and accessibility.

3. Database Optimization

  1. Indexing: Proper indexing of database tables can dramatically improve query performance by reducing the amount of data that needs to be scanned to fulfill a query. You should, however, be careful not to over-index, as this can slow down write operations.
  2. Query Optimization: OAvoid the use of SELECT *, try to minimize joins, and use the query plan to monitor and optimize query execution.
  3. Partitioning and Sharding: In the case of very large datasets, partitioning (dividing the tables into segments according to a specific rule) or sharding (placing parts of a single dataset in multiple database instances) can significantly improve performance and scalability. This way, it will be possible to separate the load and disperse it as evenly as possible.
  4. Database Caching: Database caching enables storing copies of frequently queried data temporarily. As a result, the number of queries “struck” to your database will be significantly reduced. In other words, the burden decreases and the response timings increase.
  5. Choosing the Right Database: Not all databases are good – some are optimal for reading, others – for writing data, some databases can optimize complex queries and transactions – SQL, while NoSQL can be used as key-value hash tables.

Choosing the Right Technologies:

The web application’s technology stack you choose determines the effectiveness with which your web application will scale and respond to demand increases. This selection includes the programming language and framework used for the web application, as well as the architectural patterns created. 

Frameworks and Languages

To build scalable web applications, you will need to ensure the selection of the efficient frameworks and programming languages. Below are some of the factors to take into consideration:

  1. Performance and Efficiency: Choose the most efficient languages and frameworks generally. For example, Node.js appears popular for I/O-bound applications because of its non-blocking I/O model. In turn, Go is considered ideal for concurrency and runs fast . Rust significantly stands out among the other languages for performance-critical services because of its efficiency and memory safety.
  2. Community Support and Ecosystem: Having a large, vibrant community, and rich ecosystems can contribute to development speed and scalability. Common languages like Python and JavaScript, for example, have many libraries and tools available. It is also common for web development and data analysis in various fields. 
  3. Scalability Support: Some frameworks are designed to support scalability. Elixir with Phoenix is capable of running low-latency, distributed, and fault-tolerant systems using the Erlang VM. Similarly, Java has Spring Boot, which supports cloud-native microservices development.
  4. Flexibility and Modularity: Frameworks that are modular and flexible are useful for scaling. This is primarily because you can easily include or remove components. This need is met by microframeworks in numerous languages, as these frameworks do not impose scale architectural patterns and avoid assumptions about your project.

Microservices Architecture

Microservices architecture involves the separation of applications into small and connected services as opposed to a single monolithic entity. Each service contains a loose ‘coupling’ and can run separately from the others, often meant to do just one thing. This architectural style offers several benefits for scalability:

  1. Technology Agnosticism: By utilizing microservices, you are free to select the optimal technology stack for any service according to its unique needs. You will have the opportunity to take advantage of the benefits of various languages and frameworks.
  2. Scalability: By dividing the application into independent modules that are easier to maintain and update, each microservice can be expanded independently from the rest. As a result, your costs are lessened and your overall scalability potential is improved.
  3. Faster Deployment and Innovation: Smaller independent services can be developed, tested, and deployed faster, as can many teams working independently than large, monolithic applications. This enables rapid iteration and innovation.
  4. Resilience: Since services are isolated microservices, if service fails, we can assume that the remaining services can still continue to function, thus our entire application is strengthened.
  5. Optimized for the Cloud: Microservices are optimized for cloud environments, where tools and services that support auto-scaling, load balancing, and automated deployment can greatly improve the ability to scale.

Understanding Security

Security is an integral part of web application development and refers to the procedures, applications, and methods developed to safeguard web application against attack and unauthorized access. The following concepts or categories of web security information must first be understood when developing an app so that it protects data and ensures the trustworthiness of users.

Core Concepts of Web Security

Web security refers to a set of practices and technologies aimed at protecting web servers, web applications, and web data against attack, unauthorized access, and other security threats. Some of the most important ideas are: 

  1. Confidentiality: Preserving the ability to view sensitive information for those who are allowed to access it.
  2. Integrity: Ensuring that all material cannot be altered by unauthorized individuals.
  3. Availability: Making sure applications and information are available to authorized users when they require it.
  4. Authentication and Authorization: Validate the user and guarantee that they can only access the resources they are limited to access..
  5. Data Encryption: Encrypting data on-the-go and data at rest to protect it against stealing or access by third parties. For example, SSL/TLS .
  6. Input Validation: Confirming only valid, well-formed data is entered into web applications, which restricts malicious data from causing harm.

Common Security Threats

Understanding common security threats is crucial for developing strategies to protect web applications.

SQL Injection

SQL Injection SQLi refers to the usage of a malicious code that performs SQL access to shared input via the customer to the application. Indeed, this may enable an attacker to read data from a database, change the data in that DB, conduct administrative statistical operations there and subject the control system to command:

Prevention: Protect yourself from SQL Injection today! Use Prepared Statements and Parameterized Queries that do not allow an attacker to change the intention of the query, even if – such is the will of the attacker – SQL commands are injected!

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

An XSS attack happens when an attacker injects malicious scripts into the content other users view. While SQL injection attacks your application data, XSS attacks are directed at your users directly. 

Mitigation: To avoid XSS attacks, assume all user input is unsafe. Always encode user input before serving it on your site, such as data in the HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and the URL. Additionally, using CSP headers can reduce the risk of an XSS attack by a large margin.

Data Breaches

Steps to Prevent: The following steps can be taken against data breaches:

  1. Use Strong Encryption: Encrypt all sensitive data at rest and in transit. Access should only encrypt sensitive data and ensure that proper key management processes and controls are in place. 
  2. Limit Access: Implement the principle of least privilege. Ensure that users and systems have access to the minimum set of resources or data that is required for their roles. 
  3. Regularly Update and Patch: Keep all systems, software, and plugins up-to-date with the latest security patches.
  4. Monitor and Audit: Regularly monitor systems for unusual behaviour that may indicate a breach.
  5. Educate and Train Staff: Educate all staff on security best practices and the reasons why they must adhere to security policies and protocols.

Building Secure Web Applications

Developing secure web applications necessitates a coordinated effort throughout the entire development process. Using secure coding methods, developers can secure access and safeguard data transmitted to them and those at rest across the process of developing authentication and authorization policies.

Secure Coding Practices

In addition to that, secure coding practices are needed to avoid the presence of weaknesses inside the code given which the attackers might target them. They can be listed as the following:  

  1. Input Validation: The code has to verify that all event supplied by other users or systems is validated by type, size, format, and range before handling multiple events. This eliminates SQL injection , XSS , and other injections.
  2. Output Encoding: Ensure data is encoded when sent as output to the browser which will help to prevent XSS attacks by converting special characters into HTML entities.
  3. Parameterized Queries: Use parameterized queries or prepared statements for database access to prevent SQL Injection.
  4. Error Handling: Define error pages in such a way that they should not be exposed sensitive information about the technology and system to Users.
  5. Dependency Management: Update and patch the third-party libraries and dependencies regularly to avoid the chances of known vulnerabilities exposure. 
  6. Security Headers: The HTTP security headers such as Content Security Policy , X-Content-Type-Options, X-Frame-Options , and more.

Authentication and Authorization

Implementing Strong Authentication Methods

Authentication mechanisms must be strong enough to be able to verify that users are who they claim to be. for instance, do not tolerate users signing in with just one password. 

  1. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Multi-Factor Authentication adds another authentication layer to sign in. Two or more verification factors are necessary to provide access to a resource using MFA.
  2. Password Policies: Strong password policies . for applications that are not responsible for users managing credentials.
  3. OAuth and OpenID Connect:  These standards have gained broad acceptance and have been secured.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

RBAC limits system access only to the authorized users. It is a significant aspect of managing user permissions. This leads to guarantee access of only the required resources by the users, which is within their roles. The approach’s specific principles include: 

  1. Defining Roles and Permissions: Clearly define roles and responsibilities in the system . Allow only those permissions needed by the role.
  2. Dynamic Role Assignment: mplement the roles by dynamically including and excluding the user permissions according to their responsibilities. 
  3. Auditing and Review: Regulating audits . Regularly review roles and permissions and access logs for compliance.

Data Protection

1. Encryption

Encryption covers a broad aspect of protecting the data. Encryption is a technique to make sense of data very complicated so that if it is stolen, the thief cannot read the date.

  1. Data in Transit: The information from the client to the server should pass in an encrypted way. For this purpose, we should use TLS : The remote methods that exchanges sensitive information like passwords and personal data.
  2. Data at Rest: Sensitive data should be stored in a very protective way. The data should be encrypted, so that in case of theft the data is safe. You should use disk encryption and encrypted database columns.

2. Secure Data Storage

The secure storage of sensitive information is essential to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of user data. 

Encryption Key Management: Develop secure key management practices, including the storage of keys separate from their encrypted data and changing them at regular intervals.

  1. Data Minimization: Collect and store only data that is required for the application to function; it helps to reduce the severity of data leaks. 
  2. Secure Backups: Protect backups from unauthorized access by encrypting them and storing them securely while maintaining data integrity.

Testing and Maintenance

To guarantee the long-term reliability and security of web applications, ruthless testing and regular maintenance are required. They assist in anticipating the possible scalability and security issues until they escalate into bigger ones. Thus, the app will develop and be able to counter cyber-attacks properly.

Scalability Testing

Scalability testing is vital to help you learn how your web application comes into action under different loads and allows it to grow in load without fading in performance. The following aspects should be considered in scalability testing:

  1. Load Testing: Load Testing which means the simulation of a certain number of users or transactions to see how the system behaves under anticipated load. It will help you know the bottlenecks and areas that may improve and conduct larger scale than expected. 
  2. Stress Testing: Stress Testing which is going beyond the anticipated capacity and often to a breakdown zone to determine how the system actually does in extremal conditions. It will provide you the required limit of effectiveness plus the way the system escapes which it can be crucial later.
  3. Performance Monitoring: Performance Monitoring which provides please to record plenty of metrics about how different components of your system function under a load using performance monitoring tools. You should be able to detect some things like slow queries, failing databases, or any external service etc.
  4. Iterative Testing: Scalability testing is an iterative process. You should test your application regularly to learn about its scalability due to changes within the system.

Security Audits and Penetration Testing

Regular security audits and penetration testing are the only proven methods to find and address existing vulnerabilities. Performing these actions will ensure that your application remains safe despite the constant advance of threats. Some of the methods suitable for security checks are:

  1. Security Audits: This method implies the overall assessment of the application’s adherence to security standards and practices. They will likely investigate code safety, infrastructure security, and any other compromises an application accepts during interaction with third parties. They should be planned regularly or after significant changes.
  2. Penetration Testing: This procedure is a simulation of cyberattacks against your web application. Its goal is to identify all possible points vulnerable to attack. This method can be done as a white box with an investigator’s acquaintance with the application’s architecture, and black box without prior knowledge. 
  3. Automated Scanning and Testing Tools: Regularly use automated tools to scan the processed web application, seeking the most common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, XSS, and security misconfigurations. While unreliable for a guaranteed security check, this method can detect potential issues.
  4. Remediation and Re-testing: Revolve around picking the most alarming vulnerabilities from the result of your audit and penetration tests processing and then remediating them. Follow by testing your system once again to ensure the vulnerability is fully eliminated. 
  5. Continuous Security Training: Encourage running regular briefing miracles related to your development and facilitation teams. It bears crucial importance due to the rapidly changing world and the emergence of new techniques and threats.

Case Studies and Best Practices

Real-World Examples

  1. Netflix: ne of the best examples of a web application that has successfully scaled to millions of users all over the world is Netflix. Netflix employs a microservices architecture, which allows them to scale different parts of their service independently as required. They also entirely rely on cloud services, mainly via Amazon Web Services to provide the flexibility and scaling they require to support such a vast user base. For security measures, Netflix’s philosophy is to foster a culture of “freedom and responsibility” that allows their developers to make important decisions about the service quickly, but still make sure they maintain high security standards via extensive automated testing and continuous delivery culture. 
  2. GitHub: Another one of the top series of software development platforms in the whole world, supporting millions of developers using the platform is GitHub. GitHub’s own platform is written in Ruby, and again they rely on Ruby on Rails and Git. GitHub has reached such user numbers by following different best practices: effective use of caching, optimizations for their database, a greater \subset of microservices architecture, etc. Concerning the security of their service, they have a multi-pronged approach: rigorous code reviews, automated security scanning, promoting a culture of learning secure coding practices, and working with security researches through their bug bounty program.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

  1. Ignoring Scalability in the Early Stages: Failing to think about scalability at in the development process can result in numerous challenges once the application starts to grow. Often that can lead to costly rewrites or adjustments to make the application work again. To preempt this, one should plan the development process to be easily scalable later on. Even if you don’t implement it all at once, having a framework to easily scale will make your work much more accessible and less stressful. 
  2. Overlooking Database Performance: Database performance can impact the overall scalability, and even safety of your application more than people tend to think. Regularly check how your database is performing, consider using caching where available, and always make sure your queries are complete and they are not prone to injection attacks.
  3. Neglecting Security Considerations:  Ignoring or considering it after the MVP launch can cause data breaches and ruin users’ trust in you. By integrating security practices from the MVP development beginning, conducting regular security audits, and keeping up-to-date on the latest security threats and mitigation strategies, you can prevent security breaches and avoid their negative consequences.
  4. Poor Management of Dependencies and Third-party Services: Using many libraries and services can feel convenient, but it can also significantly boost your application’s attack surface and introduce unforeseen scalability constraints. To avoid this, always keep your dependencies up to date and do regular checkups of third-party software for security and scalability issues.
  5. Lack of Automated Testing: Not having enough automated testing can result in insufficient performance and easily miss scalability vulnerabilities. This can be addressed by creating and maintaining a robust testing framework that would include unit tests, integration tests, load tests, and security testing .
  6. Insufficient Monitoring and Logging: Not having enough monitoring, diagnosing and responding to security issues can be atrociously slow and ineffective. To make sure you can always answer a question when something goes boom, improve logging, and use real-time monitoring to quickly address a problem.


For any developer or organization that wishes to succeed in the digital space, building scalable and secure web applications is a critical aspect that must be considered. It is something that calls for proper and good planning, intelligent choices of technologies, and best development practices throughout the application lifecycle. The following takeaways and things likely to happen in the future are what I should talk about:

Recap of Key Points

  1. Design for Scalability from the Start: You need to ensure the design is scalable from the start by being able to scale horizontally and vertically using stateless endpoints and optimizing your databases.
  2. Prioritize Security: Design from a security-first mindset by adding security at the code level. This includes end-to-end encryption, secure coding, and strong authentication and authorization policies to protect your data. 
  3. Choose the Right Technologies: Choose the right technology alignment with your architecture and security and scalability measures. These could be the best programming languages, frameworks, and architectural patterns such as monolithic or microservices architectures. Considering the popularity of the programming language and the community-backed usage before adopting them.
  4. Test Rigorously: You need to implement a proper testing strategy, encompassing scalability testing and security testing to make sure that your app is ready to grow and stay safe from cyber threats.
  5. Learn from Real-world Examples: Find scalable and secure web applications and use them as case studies to learn best practices and pitfalls.

Future Trends

  1. Serverless Architectures: Serverless computing empowers application development by making it possible to create scalable and cost-effective applications. The cloud provider manages scaling and maintenance without the need of handling the servers, allowing developers to focus on code and functionality.
  2. AI and Machine Learning for Security: As AI and machine learning are increasingly adopted for cybersecurity, these technologies enable the web application to detecting threats faster and support automatic responsive measures against several security incidents.
  3. Containerization and Orchestration: Docker and Kubernetes, among others, are used to deploy, scale, and manage applications in readiness to help develop more comfortable, scalable, and maintainable web applications.
  4. Blockchain for Enhanced Security: Blockchain technology is increasingly being tested on its ability to improve security’s state due to its several benefits, such as secure data transfer, ID verification, and secure transactions, and data storage.
  5. Edge Computing: Edge computing might play a significant role in IoT devices and real-time applications, utilizing advanced edge computing technology to boost performance and scalability.

Further Resources

Staying on top in rapidly changing fields like web scalability and security requires expanding both your knowledge and toolset. Here are some suggestions for further reading and tools.

Recommended Reading


  1. "Building Microservices" by Sam Newman: More detailed information on how to build robust applications using microservices architecture with a particular emphasis on scalability and maintainability can be found in such books
  2. "The Art of Scalability" by Martin L. Abbott and Michael T. Fisher: Offers different strategies and models, an example of grow and managing technology platforms.
  3. "Web Application Security, A Beginner's Guide" by Bryan Sullivan and Vincent Liu: Basic knowledge about cybersecurity, foundational footwear and recommendations how to secure your web application are displayed in this book.
  4. "Release It!: Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software" by Michael T. Nygard: Those who want to pay more attention to instrumenting before and after the release should read this book.

Articles and Websites:

  1. OWASP Top Ten: A compiled list by the Open Web Application Security Project of the ten most critical security concerns for Web Applications. It is updated regularly.
  2. High Scalability: It is a blog based on various aspect of scalability, including case studies, and relevant tools and techniques from real world projects.
  3. AWS Architecture Blog: This blog gives some insight into this blog on the best ways to create application scalable and reliable on AWS.
  4. Google Cloud Architecture Center: Precaution framework based on principle, pre-qualified design pattern and also the best practices based on creating scalable and multiple cloud applications.

Tools and Frameworks

Scalability Tools:

  1. Kubernetes: An open source container-orchestration system for automating application deployment, scaling, and management.
  2. Docker: An industrial dependency platform for developing, shipping, and running applications in containers, putting provenance at the heart of every process.

Security Tools:

  1. OWASP ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy): An open-source web application security scanner designed to locate vulnerabilities in web applications.
  2. Let's Encrypt: A free, automated, and open Certificate Authority.
  3. SonarQube: A platform to continually inspect code quality through automatic reviews and static analysis of code to find bugs, code smells, and security vulnerabilities.

Frameworks and Libraries:

  1. Spring Boot for Java: An extensive framework with additional features which support building microservices like security and scalability.
  2. Express.js for Node.js: A rapid, unopinionated, and minimalist web framework for Node.js to build scalable applications.
  3. Flask and Django for Python: Both the frameworks provide security features with different features, whereas Django includes tools from security features.
  4. Ruby on Rails: A server-side web application framework written in Ruby under the MVT concept, which includes a CoC and the DRY Principle.


1. What is scalability in the context of web applications?

Scalability refers to a web application's ability to handle increases in workload (like more users, transactions, or data) without compromising performance. It involves the application's capacity to grow and adapt to demand by utilizing resources effectively, whether through upgrading existing hardware (vertical scaling) or adding more instances or services (horizontal scaling).

2. Why is security critical for web applications?

Security is paramount for protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access and safeguarding users' privacy. A secure web application ensures data integrity, maintains user trust, and complies with legal and regulatory requirements. It involves measures to prevent, detect, and respond to threats like data breaches, cyberattacks, and other vulnerabilities.

3. How can I ensure my web application is scalable?

To ensure scalability, design your application with growth in mind. This includes using stateless architectures, optimizing databases, employing caching, and choosing scalable technologies and frameworks. Regularly perform scalability testing, such as load and stress testing, to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement.

4. What are some common security threats to web applications?

Common security threats include SQL Injection (SQLi), Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), data breaches, and security misconfigurations. These threats can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive data, loss of data integrity, and compromised user trust.

5. What strategies can be employed to secure web applications?

Secure web applications by implementing strong authentication and authorization mechanisms, encrypting data in transit and at rest, using secure coding practices, conducting regular security audits and penetration testing, and staying updated on security patches. It's also crucial to educate your development team on security best practices.

6. How does microservices architecture enhance scalability and security?

Microservices architecture enhances scalability by allowing parts of the application to be scaled independently based on demand. It improves security by isolating services, limiting the scope of potential security breaches to individual services rather than the entire application.

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