Key Trends in Marketing Automation in 2023 and Ahead

Automation is transforming everything from what we do in life to how do we business. Marketing is one of those areas that has been embracing automation powered by emerging technologies that include AI, ML, Big Data, and Analytics. Organizations across the globe are realizing the need for automating their marketing operations to improve their customer acquisition and retention rates. 

Manual processes in marketing will not help companies remain competitive in business in today’s highly aggressive marketing environment. Automation tools that assist the marketing teams with the management of emails, curated recommendations, omnichannel marketing strategies, and analytics, are critical for the survival and growth of their businesses. The competition in the marketing automation tools segment has contributed to making the tools affordable even for small companies.



The fact that Forrester has estimated that by 2023, the market will exceed $25 billion endorses the view that companies must formulate strategies that include the adoption of marketing automation in the future.

Significance of Marketing Automation

The marketers will agree that generating and keeping tabs on business leads is a difficult task. Marketing automation tools come comes with tools that help you automatically track all your leads and filter and sort them for you by business categories, depending on your preferences.

Marketing automation, once done, will allow you to decide what kind of marketing messages must be delivered to each lead, and in what frequency, to help enhance marketing efficiency, among others. Lead segmentation is considered one of the most effective methods to improve conversion rates.  


Top Marketing Automation Trends to Reckon in 2023

Staying updated on the latest marketing automation trend is crucial to optimize marketing efforts. Let us go over some of the most effective marketing automation trends for 2023 and ahead.


Omnichannel Marketing

This marketing strategy enables marketers to give their target audience a combined experience across all marketing channels, This can help small businesses increase sales from varied channels, including messaging, email services, social media, and direct contacts along with conventional marketing channels. 

With the implementation of a CRM and integrating it with a marketing automation system, omnichannel marketing tools enable data to flow between sales and marketing. Imagine a buyer who adds items to a cart on an e-commerce website, but does not complete the checkout process. An omnichannel automation tool will identify the point and can follow up with the buyer to bring back the customer with an email or through social media.


Mobile Marketing 

With mobile devices replacing desktops and even laptops for communicating with the internet world, mobile marketing is becoming critical for growing your business. Automation tools can provide marketing professionals can provide them with information about mobile users, such as their location, social media and browsing behavior, and the devices they prefer. 

This information will be used by marketing automation tools to deliver content in the form of text messages, push notifications, in-app messages, and surveys, by collecting and analyzing information from social and transactional data.


Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence

These technologies allow marketers to create more effective marketing campaigns by gathering information about their audience with the use of machine learning and AI. The combination of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation provides an intensive and integrated view of prospects, their buying patterns, and online behaviors. Companies that use chatbots to interface with the prospects who visit their websites are realizing the power of new AI technology that enhances the chatbot experience. 

New AI tools like ChatGPT 3.5 and Google Bard improve the technology behind older chatbots, making interactions with the bots more natural and productive. Companies should be careful in using the data and information as incorrect information could be detrimental to the image and reputation of the brands, in addition to other issues like plagiarism and copyright infringement. Technologies like OCR and NLP-enabled RPA help scan customer reviews and extract relevant data from a wide range of sources.


Social Media Marketing Automation 

Automation of social media marketing will enable marketing professionals to automate social media posts and creatives at predetermined dates and times. The popularity of social media is only expected to increase, and hence these resources will continue to remain crucial for digital marketing automation in the future. Social media automation helps businesses to eliminate time-consuming, manual routine duties like lead creation, lead management, support lead conversion, customer service, etc.


Hyper-Personalized Content

Technologies such as machine learning, AI, and data aggregation tools allow companies to track customers and understand their buying behavior, interests, and hobbies, interests. Such learnings along with the data on parameters such as income, marital status, qualification, et., enable marketing professionals to target their audience more precisely, reducing the risk of losing leads difficult to convert.

Marketing automation tools powered by AI and ML will enable marketers to send email personalized newsletters to subscribers that contain articles more likely to retain their attention based on their interests and behavior. Local marketing is advertising efforts meant for a specific audience in a particular location. In the past, localizing marketing efforts for a business with multiple storefronts was time-intensive for marketing professionals. 



Businesses can leverage marketing automation tools to improve the sales growth rate by reducing the time it takes for the marketing team to qualify leads for the sales team. Though not an exhaustive list of emerging marketing automation trends, the adoption of the above marketing automation trends will put you ahead of your competition through more effective campaigns.

Various research has shown that technology tools allow marketing professionals to formulate marketing strategies to target specific audiences that cannot be achieved through traditional strategies, like television commercials and print ads. If you’re running a business and want to stay ahead of the competition in 2023 and beyond, the adoption of marketing automation is critical. You must then look for a customized marketing automation tool developed or a ready-made tool implemented as a project task through top talent available on TaaS platforms, instead of spending a lot of time and effort in hiring and building a team.

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