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View AWS Activate promotional credits

I received an email with my AWS Activate Founders or Portfolio package information. Where do I find my AWS promotional credit?

Last updated: 2022-03-04

I received an email with my AWS Activate Founders or Portfolio package information. Where do I find my AWS promotional credit?


If you receive an email welcoming you to AWS Activate along with benefit information, your AWS Activate Founders or Portfolio package application is approved and processed. Your AWS promotional credits are directly added to the AWS account that you specified on your application.

Check the Credits page of the Billing and Cost Management console to see your account's active credits and promotions.

Getting started with AWS Activate

AWS Activate FAQ

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Resolve issues with an AWS Business support charge for an AWS Activate portfolio package

Why was I charged for AWS Business Support when I have an AWS Activate Portfolio package?

Last updated: 2022-03-04

I was charged for my AWS Support plan, even though I signed up for an AWS Activate Portfolio package that includes a credit for AWS Business Support. How can I resolve this issue?


If you had an AWS Support subscription other than a Business-level Support plan before you were approved for an AWS Activate Portfolio package, see AWS Premium Support FAQs, and follow the instructions in Q: How do I cancel my AWS Support subscription? to cancel your support subscription. Then, follow the instructions in the welcome email you received from the AWS Activate team.

If you can't locate the email from the AWS Activate team, or if you have questions about the AWS Activate program, then contact the AWS Activate team at AWS Activate Contact Us.

AWS Activate

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Sign up for an AWS Activate package

How do I sign up for an AWS Activate package?

Last updated: 2022-03-04

I'm interested in an AWS Activate package. How do I sign up?


AWS Activate offers two packages: the Founders package and the Portfolio package.

  • The AWS Activate Founders package is available for startups that aren't associated with an AWS Activate Provider. The AWS Activate Providers include select venture capital firms, accelerators, incubators, and other startup-enabling organizations. For more information on how to qualify for the AWS Founders package, see Getting Started with AWS Activate.
  • The AWS Activate Portfolio package is available to startups that are associated with an AWS Activate Provider. For a non-exhaustive list of AWS Activate Providers, see AWS Activate Providers. You can contact your AWS Activate Provider for more information on how to qualify for the AWS Activate Portfolio package.

For more information about these packages, see AWS Activate.

Note: If you're an agency, IT shop, or a consultancy, consider the AWS Partner Network instead.

Apply for AWS Activate

AWS Activate FAQ

Redeem your AWS Promotional Credit

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Troubleshoot CloudFormation stack issues in AWS Amplify

How do I troubleshoot CloudFormation stack issues in my AWS Amplify project?

Last updated: 2022-04-05

When I try to deploy my AWS Amplify application, I receive an AWS CloudFormation error similar to the following: "Resource is not in the state stackUpdateComplete". How do I troubleshoot the issue?

Short description

To troubleshoot CloudFormation stack issues in your Amplify project, first identify what's causing the issue by reviewing the following in the CloudFormation console:

  • The Status code and Status reason of the backend stack.
  • The Status , Status reason , and Logical ID values of the backend stack's recent Events .
  • The Status , Status reason , and Logical ID values of the backend stack's Resources .

Note: The Status reason value contains an error message returned by CloudFormation that identifies what's causing the error.

Then, remediate the issue based on the Status , Status reason , and Logical ID values listed in the console.


Note: The CloudFormation stacks that Amplify provisions or updates can return errors for many reasons. The following are the most common reasons why CloudFormation stacks return errors associated with Amplify projects:

  • Misconfigurations in the associated Amplify project
  • Missing files in the associated Amplify project
  • Using an outdated version of the Amplify Command Line Interface (Amplify CLI)

Identify what's causing the issue by reviewing the stack's status codes and status reasons in the CloudFormation console

1.    Open the Amplify console.

2.    Choose the Backend environments tab. Then choose your application's backend environment.

3.    Choose the Overview tab. Then, choose View in CloudFormation . The backend environment's associated CloudFormation stack's Stack info page opens in the CloudFormation console.

4.    In the Overview pane , review the Status and Status reason values. This is the backend stack's status code Status reason .

Note: If the project's root stack is in the UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED status, then follow the instructions in this article: How can I get my CloudFormation stack to update if it's stuck in the UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED state?

5.    Choose the Events tab. Review the Status , Status reason , and Logical ID values for all of the recent events that are in a failed status.

Note: Make sure that you identify any events with the UPDATE_FAILED status.

6.    Choose the Resources tab. Review the Status , Status reason , and Logical ID values for all of the resources that are in a failed status.

7.    (For nested stacks only) On the Resources pane, look for resources of type AWS::CloudFormation::Stack . Then, review the Status reason values for the nested stacks that are in a failed status.

Important: When troubleshooting, ignore resources that failed with a Resource update cancelled status. This status signifies a dependent, downstream resource that didn't fail, but also wasn't updated because of another resource failure.

Remediate the issue based on the Status, Status reason, and Logical ID values listed in the console

Follow the instructions in the Amplify CLI Troubleshooting guide. For more information, you can also search for specific Status reasons in the Amplify CLI Issues page in GitHub.

Note: It's a best practice to test solutions in a nonproduction environment first.

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Delete an AWS Amplify application

How do I delete an application in AWS Amplify?

Last updated: 2022-04-01

I want to delete my application in AWS Amplify, including all of the application's backend resources. How can I delete an Amplify application?

Short description

To delete an Amplify application, it's a best practice to use one of the following:

  • Amplify console
  • Amplify Command Line Interface (Amplify CLI)

If your application isn't deleted after using either of these methods, use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) as a workaround.

Note: The AWS CloudFormation stack is deleted first. Then, any associated Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets are deleted. The application is deleted from the Amplify console last. The CloudFormation stack deletes all of the application's associated backend resources, except the Amazon S3 buckets. The time that it takes to delete an application from Amplify depends on the size of the application's backend resources.


Important: When you delete an Amplify application, all of the application's backend resources are also deleted. You can't recover your Amplify application's resources after they're deleted.

To delete an Amplify application using the Amplify console

1.    Open the AWS Amplify console.

2.    In the left navigation pane, choose the name of the application that you want to delete. The App page opens.

3.    On the App page, select the Actions dropdown list. Then, choose Delete app .

To delete an Amplify application using the Amplify CLI

If you haven't already done so, install the Amplify CLI. Then, do one of the following, based on whether your project is locally accessible or cloud based.

For locally accessible projects

Within the project directory that you want to delete, run the following amplify delete command:

amplify delete

For cloud-based projects

1.    Pull the backend environment associated with your application to your local environment by running the following amplify pull command:

amplify pull

2.    Within the project directory that you want to delete, run the following amplify delete command:

amplify delete

3.    (For applications with multiple backend environments) Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each of your application's backend environments.

Note: Deleting an Amplify application using the Amplify console or Amplify CLI can fail for many reasons. If you receive an error when trying to delete your application, use the AWS CLI as a workaround to delete the application instead.

To delete an Amplify application using the AWS CLI

Manually delete the project's Amazon S3 buckets and CloudFormation stack from the AWS Management Console

1.    Open the Amplify console.

2.    In the left navigation pane, choose the name of the application that you want to delete. The App page opens.

3.    Copy and save the App ID value and the backend environment's name. You need these values to delete the application using the AWS CLI.

4.    Delete the CloudFormation stack's Amazon S3 deployment bucket. For instructions, see Deleting a bucket in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

Note: The CloudFormation stack's S3 deployment bucket name is listed in the following format:


5.    (If your project uses the Amplify Storage category) Delete the project's storage S3 bucket.

Note: The storage bucket name is listed in the project's root stack resources, under the Storage nested stack.

6.    Delete the project's CloudFormation root stack. For instructions, see Deleting a stack on the AWS CloudFormation console in the CloudFormation User Guide.

Note: The CloudFormation stack's root stack name is listed in the following format:


7.    (For applications with multiple backend environments) Repeat steps 4-6 for each of your application's backend environments.

Delete the Amplify application using the AWS CLI

Note: If you receive errors when running AWS CLI commands, make sure that you're using the most recent version of the AWS CLI.

Run the following delete-app AWS CLI command:

Important: Replace your-app-id with your application's App ID. Replace application-region with the AWS Region that your application is in.

aws amplify delete-app --app-id <your-app-id> --region <application-region>

Note: You can also run the delete-backend-environment command to delete all of your application's backend environments first. Then, delete your application from the Amplify console.

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Troubleshoot API Gateway SSL certificate errors

How do I troubleshoot errors with SSL certificates that are generated by API Gateway?

Last updated: 2022-12-15

I'm experiencing issues with self-signed and expired SSL certificates installed on my backend system. How to I fix these errors?

Short description

When Amazon API Gateway performs an SSL handshake with the backend, API Gateway expects the backend to provide certificates that are obtained from trusted issuers. API Gateway expects the certificates to be valid, and not expired. API Gateway also expects the chain of trust to be intact. This means that API Gateway expects the certificate to contain a root certificate authority (CA), intermediate CAs, and the parent certificate details. With this information, API Gateway can complete certificate validation by going through the chain of certificates.


Test HTTP proxy integration

To familiarize yourself with HTTP proxy integrations, test bad SSL certificates from the API Gateway console. Use the external website badssl.com that provides bad SSL certificates for testing.

1.    Create a resource named "/selfsigned" with a GET method. Then, configure an HTTP proxy integration with the URL https://self-signed.badssl.com/.

From the API Gateway console, test the API. You receive the following error:

Thu Dec 15 16:05:05 UTC 2022 : Sending request to https://self-signed.badssl.com/
Thu Dec 15 16:05:05 UTC 2022 : Execution failed due to configuration error: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

2.    Create a resource named "/expiredcert" with a GET method. Then, configure an HTTP proxy integration with the URL https://expired.badssl.com/.

From the API Gateway console, test the API. You receive the following error:

Thu Dec 15 16:06:02 UTC 2022 : Sending request to https://expired.badssl.com/
Thu Dec 15 16:06:02 UTC 2022 : Execution failed due to configuration error: PKIX path validation failed: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: validity check failed

3.    Create a resource named "/untrustedRootCA" with a GET method. Configure an HTTP proxy integration with the URL https://untrusted-root.badssl.com/.

From the API Gateway console, test the API. You receive the following error:

Thu Dec 15 16:06:28 UTC 2022 : Sending request to https://untrusted-root.badssl.com/
Thu Dec 15 16:06:28 UTC 2022 : Execution failed due to configuration error: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

With VPC link integration, API Gateway performs certificate validation with the next hop that performs TLS termination.

When a Network Load Balancer has a TLS listener, the Network Load Balancer performs a TLS termination and creates another connection to the target. The certificate attached to the Network Load Balancer must meet all the requirements. A Network Load Balancer doesn't perform certificate validation during the SSL handshake with the target. The Network Load Balancer accepts expired or self-signed certificates that are installed on the target instances. The Network Load Balancer and the target groups are bound within a VPC and communications are secure. If the Network Load Balancer is using a TCP listener, the TLS handshake happens end-to-end. In these cases, the backend application must comply with the SSL requirements.

API Gateway supports Server Name Indication (SNI) during an SSL handshake over a VPC link integration.

If the backend Network Load Balancer has a self-signed or private certificate that hasn't been issued by a CA, you receive the following error:

Execution failed due to configuration error: PKIX path building failed:
sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

The workaround for the execution failed error is to set insecureSkipVerification to true in the integration's tlsConfig object:

aws api gateway update-integration --rest-api-id abcde --resource-id abcd --http-method GET --patch-operations "op='replace',path='/tlsConfig/insecureSkipVerification',value= False"

Generate and configure an SSL certificate for backend authentication

API Gateway-supported certificate authorities for HTTP and HTTP proxy integrations

Target groups for your Network Load Balancers

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