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Salesforce Developers

Campaign Object

A Pardot campaign tracks the first interaction that a person has with your online marketing materials. Associate your assets to a Pardot campaign to organize and track your marketing efforts. Learn more about Pardot campaigns in Salesforce Help.

Include the authentication header with every request. For information on how to authenticate, see Authentication.

Resource Name Operations Description
Campaign Create POST Create a campaign record.
Campaign Read GET Request information for a single campaign.
Campaign Query GET Request information for the campaigns that match the specified criteria.
Campaign Update POST Update a campaign's information, including campaign fields.

Note: We recommend using Salesforce Connected Campaigns. When Connected Campaigns is enabled, only Campaign Read and Campaign Query are available.

Create a campaign with the specified fields.



You can use any campaign field as a parameter. For a list of campaign fields, see Campaign.


Create a campaign with the name New Campaign and a cost of 2,000.

Request information for a single campaign.


Replace <ID> with the Pardot ID of the campaign.


Request information for the campaign with ID 12341xxx.

Request information about the campaigns that match the specified criteria. You can specify which campaigns and which fields to request. A maximum of 200 campaigns are returned, unless you specify the output as mobile. If you specify the output as mobile, then all campaigns are returned.

Note: To request information about a specific campaign, use Campaign Read.


Parameters to Select Campaigns

Use these parameters to specify which campaigns are returned. Parameters can be used in any combination and in any order unless otherwise specified.


  • Parameters must be URL-encoded.
  • Dates and times must use GNU Date Input Syntax (yyyy-mm-dd:hh:ss ).
  • For a full listing of campaign fields see Object Field References.
Parameter Type Possible Values Description
created_after string today , yesterday , last_7_days , this_month , last_month , <custom_time> Request campaigns created after the specified date and time. Example: To request forms created in 2020, use /api/campaigns/version/3/do/query?created_after=2019-12-31 24:59:59 .
created_before string today , yesterday , last_7_days , this_month , last_month , <custom_time> Request campaigns created before the specified date and time. Doesn’t include campaigns created at the specified time. <custom_time> Example : to request campaigns created before today (but not created today), use /api/campaign/version/3/do/query?created_before=today .
id_greater_than integer Any positive integer Request campaigns that have a Pardot ID greater than the specified number.
id_less_than integer Any positive integer Returns campaigns that have a Pardot ID less than the specified number.
name string string Request campaigns with the specified name.
updated_after string today , yesterday , last_7_days , this_month , last_month , <custom_time> Request campaigns that were last updated after the specified date and time.
updated_before string today , yesterday , last_7_days , this_month , last_month , <custom_time> Request campaigns that were last updated before the specified date and time.

Parameters to Specify Which Results Are Returned

Use these parameters to specify which campaign fields are returned, and how the campaigns are sorted.

Parameter Type Possible Values Description
limit integer Any integer from 1 through 200. The number of campaigns to return. Default value is 200.
offset integer Any positive integer The number of campaigns to omit from the response (the number to "skip over"). Example: Retrieve a list of campaigns, omitting the 50 most recently updated campaigns. Sort the query by the updated_at field and use offset=50: api/campaign/version/3/do/query?sort_by=updated_at&offset=50
sort_by string created_at , id , name , updated_at , cost The field by which the results are sorted. See Sort Order.
sort_order string ascending, descending The sort order. The default value depends on which sort_by value you specify. See Sort Order.

Sort Order

Use sort_by to specify which field Pardot uses to sort the results. Different fields have different default sort orders.

Value Default Sort Order Description
created_at descending Sort the results by the campaigns' created_at timestamps.
id ascending Sort the results by the campaigns' id fields.
name ascending Sort the results by the campaigns' name fields.
updated_at descending Sort the results by the campaigns' updated_at timestamps.
cost descending Sort the results by the campaigns' cost fields.


Request a list of campaigns, sorted in ascending order by cost.

Update a campaign's information, including campaign fields. Fields that aren’t specified in the request aren’t changed. To clear a field, use a null value.

Returns an updated version of the campaign.


Replace <ID> with the Pardot ID of the campaign.


You can use any campaign field as a parameter. For a list of campaign fields, see Object Field References.


To update a campaign's name to "March Webinar" and reset the cost as blank, use the following POST command:

The XML response for a query request contains information about multiple campaigns. The XML response for a read request contains information about a single campaign.

XML Response for Campaign Query

Tag Description
<result> Parent tag. Contains the campaigns that match the parameters specified in your query.
<total_results> The number of campaigns selected by the query. Note: The query request returns a maximum of 200 campaigns. If your query matches more than 200 campaigns, you can make several requests to retrieve all matching records.
<campaign> The information for a single campaign. For information about campaign fields, see Campaign.

XML Response for Campaign Read

Tag Description
<campaign> The information for a single campaign. For information about campaign fields, see Campaign.
Salesforce Developers

Custom Field Object

Use custom fields to capture and track more data about your prospects. You can use custom fields in forms and sync the Pardot fields with Salesforce fields. Learn more about Pardot fields in Salesforce Help.

Include the authentication header with every request. For information on how to authenticate, see Authentication.

Resource Name Operation Description
Custom Field Create POST Create a custom field.
Custom Field Read GET Request detailed information for a single custom field.
Custom Field Update POST Update a custom field's value.
Custom Field Delete POST or DELETE Delete a custom field.
Custom Field Query GET Request information for the custom fields that match the specified criteria.

Create a custom field with the specified name and API name.



The following parameters are required to create a new custom field:

Parameter Type Description
name string The name of the custom field.
field_id string The API name of the custom field.

Parameters can include any editable field in the Custom Field object. For a list of fields in the Custom Field object, see Custom Field.


Create a custom field of type integer with the name "Partner Level" and the API name "PARTNER_LEVEL_c," which doesn’t allow multiple values.

Delete a custom field specified by custom field ID.


Replace <ID> with the ID of the custom field.


Delete the custom field with ID 5746xx.

Request information about the specified custom field.


Replace <ID> with the ID of the custom field.


Request the information for the custom field with ID 12341xxx

Request information about custom fields that match the specified criteria. You can specify which custom field records and fields to request. A maximum of 200 custom fields are returned. To return all custom fields, specify the output as mobile .

To request information about a specific custom field, use Custom Field Read.


Parameters to Select Custom Fields

Use these parameters to specify which custom fields are returned. Parameters can be used in any combination and any order unless otherwise specified.


  • Parameters must be URL-encoded.
  • Dates and times must use GNU Date Input Syntax (yyyy-mm-dd:hh:ss ).
  • For a full listing of custom fields see Object Field References.
Parameter Type Options Description
created_after string today , yesterday , last_7_days , this_month , last_month , <custom_time> Request custom fields created after the specified time. Example: To request forms created in 2020, use /api/customField/version/3/do/query?created_after=2019-12-31 24:59:59 .
created_before string today , yesterday , last_7_days , this_month , last_month , <custom_time> Request custom fields created before the specified date and time. Does not include custom fields created at the specified time. <custom_time> Example : to request custom fields created before today (but not created today), use /api/customField/version/3/do/query?created_before=today .
id_greater_than integer Any positive integer Requests custom fields that have an ID greater than the specified number.
id_less_than integer Any positive integer Returns custom fields that have an ID less than the specified number.

Parameters to Specify Which Results Are Returned

Use these parameters to specify which custom fields are returned, and how the custom fields are sorted.

Parameter Type Options Description
limit integer Any integer from 1 through 200 The number of custom fields to return. Default value is 200.
offset integer Any positive integer The number of custom fields to omit from the response (the number to "skip over"). Example: Retrieve a list of custom fields, omitting the 50 most recently updated custom fields. Sort the query by the updated_at field and use offset=50: /api/customField/version/3/do/query?offset=50&sort_by=created_at
sort_by string created_at , id , probability , value The field by which the results are sorted. See Sort Order.
sort_order string ascending, descending The sort order. The default value depends on which sort_by parameter you specify. See Sort Order.

Sort Order

Use the sort_by parameter to specify which field Pardot uses to sort the results. Different fields have different default sort orders.

Value Default Sort Order Description
created_at descending Sort the results by the custom fields' created_at timestamps.
id ascending Sort the results by the custom fields' id fields.
name ascending Sort the results by the custom fields' name fields.

Updates information for the specified custom field. Specify the custom field by custom field ID. Fields that are not specified in the request are not changed. To clear a field, use a null value.

Returns an updated version of the custom field.


Replace <ID> with the ID of the custom field.


You can use any field in a Custom Field object as a parameter. For a list of fields in a Custom Field object, see Custom Field.


To update a custom field's name to "CONTACTED", use the following POST command:

The XML response for a query request contains information about multiple custom fields. The XML response for a read request contains information about a single custom field.

XML Response for Custom Field Query

Tag Description
<result> Parent tag. Contains the custom fields that match the parameters specified in your query.
<total_results> The number of custom fields selected by the query. Note: The query request returns a maximum of 200 custom fields. If your query matches more than 200 custom fields, you can make several requests to retrieve all matching custom fields.
<customField> The information for a single custom field. See Custom Field.

XML Response for Custom Field Read

Tag Description
<customField> The information for a single custom field. See Custom Field.
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Salesforce Developers

Custom Redirect Object

Track links on your website or third-party site with Pardot’s custom redirects. For example, you can track a link on your Twitter page or a banner ad on a third-party site. When a user clicks a link, a corresponding activity is created on their profile. Learn about custom redirects in Salesforce Help.

Include the authentication header with every request. For information on how to authenticate, see Authentication.

Resource Name Operation Description
Custom Redirect Read GET Request information for a single custom redirect record.
Custom Redirect Query GET Request information for custom redirects that match the specified criteria.

Request information for a single custom redirect record.


Replace <ID> with the Pardot ID of the custom redirect.


Request the information for the custom redirect with ID 1234.

Requests information about custom redirects that match the specified criteria. You can specify the custom redirects and fields to request. A maximum of 200 custom redirects are returned. To return all custom redirects, specify the output as mobile .

To request information about a specific custom redirect, use Custom Redirect Read.


Parameters to Select Custom Redirects

Use these parameters to specify the custom redirects to return. Parameters can be used in any combination and in any order unless otherwise specified.


  • Parameters must be URL-encoded.
  • Dates and times must use GNU Date Input Syntax (yyyy-mm-dd:hh:ss ).
  • For a full listing of custom redirect fields see Object Field References.
Parameter Type Possible Values Description
created_after string today , yesterday , last_7_days , this_month , last_month , <custom_time> Requests custom redirects created after the specified time. Example: To request custom redirects created in 2020, use //api/customRedirect/version/3/do/query?created_after=2019-12-31%2024:59:59 .
created_before string today , yesterday , last_7_days , this_month , last_month , <custom_time> Requests custom redirects created before the specified date and time. Doesn’t include custom redirects created at the specified time. Example : To request custom redirects created before today (but not created today), use /api/customRedirect/version/3/do/query?created_before=today .
id_greater_than integer Any positive integer Requests custom redirects that have an ID greater than the specified number.
id_less_than integer Any positive integer Returns custom redirects that have an ID less than the specified number.
updated_after string today , yesterday , last_7_days , this_month , last_month , <custom_time> Requests custom redirects that were last updated after the specified date and time.
updated_before string today , yesterday , last_7_days , this_month , last_month , <custom_time> Selects custom redirects that were last updated before the specified date and time.

Parameters to Specify Which Results Are Returned

Use these parameters to specify which custom redirect fields are returned, and how the custom redirects are sorted.

Parameter Type Possible Values Description
limit integer Any integer from 1 through 200. The number of custom redirects to return. Default value is 200.
offset integer Any positive integer The number of custom redirects to omit from the response (the number to "skip over"). Example: Retrieve a list of custom redirects, omitting the 50 most recently updated custom redirects. Sort the query by the updated_at field and use offset=50: api/customRedirect/version/3/do/query?sort_by=updated_at&offset=50
sort_by string created_at , id The field by which the results are sorted. See Sort Order.
sort_order string ascending , descending , updated_at The sort order. The default value depends on which sort_by parameter you specify. See Sort Order.

Sort Order

Use the sort_by parameter to specify which field Pardot uses to sort the results. Different fields have different default sort orders.

Value Default Sort Order Description
created_at descending Sort the results by the custom redirects' created_at timestamps.
id ascending Sort the results by the custom redirects' id fields.
updated_at descending Sort the results by the custom redirects' updated_at timestamps.

The XML response for a query request contains information about multiple custom redirects. The XML response for a read request contains information about a single custom redirect.

XML Response for a Custom Redirect Query

Tag Description
<result> Parent tag. The custom redirects that match the parameters specified in your query.
<total_results> The number of custom redirects selected by the query. Note : The query request returns a maximum of 200 custom redirects. If your query matches more than 200 custom redirects, you can make several requests to retrieve all matching custom redirects.
<customRedirect> The information for a single custom redirect. See Custom Redirect in Object Field References.
Tag Description
<customRedirect> The information for a single custom redirect. See Custom Redirect in Object Field References.
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Salesforce Developers

Dynamic Content Object

Dynamic content personalizes parts of your website based on what you know about a viewer. Learn more about dynamic content in Salesforce Help.

Include the authentication header with every request. For information on how to authenticate, see Authentication.

Resource Name Operation Description
Dynamic Content Query GET Request information for dynamic content that matches the specified criteria.
Dynamic Content Read GET Request information for a single dynamic content record.

Request information for the dynamic content records that match the specified criteria. You can specify the dynamic content records and fields to request. A maximum of 200 records are returned. To return all dynamic content records, specify the output as mobile .


Parameters to Select Dynamic Content Records

Use these parameters to specify the dynamic content records to return. Parameters can be used in any combination and in any order unless otherwise specified.


  • Parameters must be URL-encoded.
  • Dates and times must use GNU Date Input Syntax (for example, yyyy-mm-dd:hh:ss ).
  • For a full listing of dynamic content fields see Object Field References.
Parameter Type Possible Values Description
created_after string today , yesterday , last_7_days , this_month , last_month , <custom_time> Request dynamic content records created after the specified time. Example: To request forms created in 2020, use /api/dynamicContent/version/3/do/query?created_after=2019-12-31 24:59:59 .
created_before string today , yesterday , last_7_days , this_month , last_month , <custom_time> Request dynamic content records created before the specified time. Doesn’t include dynamic content records created at the specified time. Example : To request dynamic content records created before today (but not created today), use /api/dynamicContent/version/3/do/query?created_before=today .
id_greater_than integer Any positive integer Request dynamic content records that have an ID greater than the specified number.
id_less_than integer Any positive integer Request dynamic content records that have an ID less than the specified number.
updated_after string today , yesterday , last_7_days , this_month , last_month , <custom_time> Request dynamic content records that were last updated after the specified time.
updated_before string today , yesterday , last_7_days , this_month , last_month , <custom_time> Request dynamic content records that were last updated before the specified time.

Parameters to Specify Which Results Are Returned

Use these parameters to specify the dynamic content fields to return, and how the dynamic content records are sorted.

Parameter Type Possible Values Description
limit integer Any integer from 1 through 200. The number of dynamic content records to return. Default value is 200.
offset integer Any positive integer The number of dynamic content records to omit from the response (the number to "skip over"). Example: Retrieve a list of dynamic content records, omitting the 50 most recently updated records. Sort the query by the updated_at field and use offset=50: /api/dynamicContent/version/3/do/query?sort_by=updated_at&offset=50
sort_by string created_at , id , updated_at The field by which the results are sorted. See Sort Order.
sort_order string ascending, descending The version/3. The default value depends on which sort_by parameter you specify. See Sort Order.

Sort Order

Use sort_by to specify which field Pardot uses to sort the results. Different fields have different default sort orders.

Value Default Sort Order Description
created_at descending Sort the results by the dynamic content records' created_at timestamps.
id ascending Sort the results by the dynamic content records' id fields.
updated_at descending Sort the results by the dynamic content records' updated_at timestamps.

Request information for a single dynamic content record.


Replace <ID> with the Pardot ID of the dynamic content record.


Request information about the dynamic content record with ID 1234.

The XML response for a query request contains information for multiple dynamic content records. The XML response for a read request contains information for a single dynamic content record.

XML Response for a Dynamic Content Query

Tag Description
<result> Parent tag. Contains the dynamic content records that match the parameters specified in your query.
<total_results> Contains the number of dynamic content records selected by the query. Note The query request returns a maximum of 200 dynamic content records. If your query matches more than 200 records, you can make several requests to retrieve all matching records.
<dynamicContent> The information about a single dynamic content record. See Dynamic Content in Object Field References for a complete description of fields.

XML Response for a Dynamic Content Read

Tag Description
<dynamicContent> The information about a single dynamic content record. See Dynamic Content in Object Field References for a description of fields.
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Salesforce Developers

Email Template Object

Use an email template to design a reusable email layout for your engagement programs, autoresponders, one-to-one emails, and list emails. Learn about email templates in Salesforce Help.

Include the authentication header with every request. For information on how to authenticate, see Authentication.

Resource Name Operation Description
Email Template Read GET Request information about a single email template.
One-to-One Email Templates GET Request information about the email templates that are used in one-to-one emails.

Request information about a single email template.


Replace <ID> with the Pardot ID of the email template.

Parameters to Select a Template

Use this parameter to specify the email templates to return.

Parameter Type Possible Values Description
archived boolean true , false If true , the request returns archived and unarchived templates. If false , only unarchived templates are returned. Default value is false .

Request the email templates that are enabled for one-to-one emails.


Parameters to Select One-to-One Email Templates

Use this parameter to specify which one-to-one email templates to return.

Parameter Type Possible Values Description
archived boolean true , false If true , the request returns both archived and unarchived templates. If false , only unarchived templates are returned. Default is false .

Use the XML response for read requests and one-to-one requests to learn more about your email templates.

XML Response for an Email Template Read

Tag Description
<emailTemplate> Parent tag. Contains data fields for a single email template.
<error> Flag if an error occurred.
<errorCode> Code for the error which occurred.
<errorMessage> Description of the error.
<sendOptions> The associated send options object, including sender-specific data.
<replyToAddress> The email address in the email's Reply-To header.
<sendFromData> A JSON array representing the sender hierarchy tied to the email template.
<id> The Pardot ID of the email template.
<name> The name of the email template.
<htmlMessage> The HTML version of the email template body.
<textMessage> The plain text version of the email template body.
<isDripEmail> Flag if the template is available for use in engagement programs.
<isListEmail> Flag if the template is available for use in list emails.
<subject> The subject of the email message.

XML Response for One-to-One Email Templates

Tag Description
<emailTemplates> Parent tag. Contains individual email template records.
<templates> Parent tag for each template.
<id> The Pardot ID of the email template.
<name> The name of the email template.
<isOneToOneEmail> Flag if the email template is available for use in one-to-one emails (always true).
<isArchived> Flag if the email template is in the Recycle Bin in Pardot.
<isAutoResponderEmail> Flag if the email template is available for use as an auto response from a form submission.
<isDripEmail> Flag if the email template is available for use in engagement programs.
<isListEmail> Flag if the email template is available for use in list emails.
<subject> The subject of the email message.
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Salesforce Developers

Email Object

Use email resources to send emails to prospects, and to learn how prospects responded to the emails. Learn more about email in Salesforce Help.

Include the authentication header with every request. For information on how to authenticate, see Authentication.

Resource Name Operation Description
Email List Send POST Send an email to all prospects in the specified list.
Email One-to-One Send POST Send an email to a single prospect.
Email Read GET Request information for an email, such as the email name and subject.
Email Statistics GET Request statistics for a list email, such as the number of clicks, opens, and opt-outs.

Send an email to every prospect on the specified list.


Creating the Email

You can satisfy the required fields to create a list email send request in the following ways:

  1. Specify list_ids[] , campaign_id , and email_template_id .
  2. Specify list_ids[] , campaign_id , text_content , name , subject , from_email , and from_name .
  3. Specify list_ids[] , campaign_id text_content , name , subject , and from_user_id .


The following parameters can be used in a list email send request.

Parameter Type Description
campaign_id integer The Pardot ID of the campaign to which the email send is assigned.
from_name string The name of the user sending the email.
from_email string The email address of user sending the email.
from_user_id string The Pardot ID of the user sending the email.
from_assigned_user boolean If the prospect has an assigned user, send the email from that user.
from_account_owner boolean If the prospect has an account owner, send the email from that user.
replyto_email string The email address to use for the reply emails.
list_ids[] array The Pardot ID of the email lists. The email is sent to all users on the specified lists. You can post multiple list IDs for multiple lists.
suppression_list_ids[] integer The Pardot ID of the suppression list. The email isn’t sent to any user on the suppression lists. You can post multiple suppression list IDs for multiple lists.
tags[] string The name of the tags to create or associate with the email. You can post multiple tags.
operational_email boolean When true , the email is sent to the prospect regardless of opt-out status. Your account must have this feature enabled to use this setting.
name string The email record's name.
subject string The email's subject.
text_content string The email's text body. Must contain either %%unsubscribe%% or %%email_preference_center%% .
html_content string The email's html body. Must contain either %%unsubscribe%% or %%email_preference_center%% .
email_template_id integer The Pardot ID of the email template.
scheduled_time ISO8601 string The ISO8601 date and time to send the email.
format (xml or json) The format in which the response is sent. The default is xml .


Schedule an email for October 31 at 5pm GMT-4. Use a template with ID 6789. Send the email to four prospect lists and specify two suppression lists. The email is sent from the assigned user (if one is assigned). Three tags are assigned to the email.

This example uses cURL.

XML Response for an Email List Send

Tag Description
<email> Parent tag. Contains information about the email. For more information about email fields, see Email.

Send an email to a single prospect. You can specify the prospect by Pardot ID or email address.


Replace <ID> with the Pardot ID of the email.

Replace <prospect_email> with the prospect's email address.

Creating the Email

You can satisfy the required fields to send an email in the following ways:

  1. Specify campaign_id and email_template_id .
  2. Specify campaign_id , text_content , name , subject , from_email and from_name .
  3. Specify campaign_id text_content , name , subject , and from_user_id .


The following parameters can be used in a one-to-one email send request.

Parameter Type Description
campaign_id integer The ID of the Pardot campaign to associate the email with.
prospect_id integer The Pardot ID of the prospect you're sending the email to.
prospect_email string The email address of the prospect you're sending the email to.
from_name string The name of the user sending the email.
from_email string The email address of user sending the email.
from_user_id string The Pardot ID of the user sending the email.
replyto_email string The email address to use for the reply emails.
tags[] string The name of the tags to create or associate with the email. You can post multiple tags.
operational_email boolean When true , the email is sent to the prospect regardless of opt-out status. Your account must have this feature enabled to use this setting.
name string The email record's name.
subject string The email's subject.
text_content string The email's text body. Must contain either %%unsubscribe%% or %%email_preference_center%% .
html_content string The email's html body. Must contain either %%unsubscribe%% or %%email_preference_center%% .
email_template_id integer The Pardot ID of the email template.
format xml or json The format in which the response is sent. The default is xml .


Send an email to the prospect with Pardot ID 1234.

XML Response for Email One-to-One Send

When an email send is successful, the response contains a copy of the email.

Tag Description
<email> Parent tag. Contains information about the email. For more information about email fields, see Email.

Request information for an email, such as the Pardot ID, Pardot name, and message body. For information about fields in an email record, see Email.


Replace <ID> with the Pardot ID of the email.


The request can include this parameter.

Parameter Type Description
include_message boolean If false , the response doesn’t include the html or text body of the email message. Default value is true .


Request information for the email with ID 12345.

Request statistical information for a list email, such as the number of clicks, opens, and opt-outs.


Replace <ID> with the Pardot ID of the email.


Request statistics for the email with ID 12345.

XML Response for Email Statistics Request

Tag Description
<stats> The statistics for a single list email.
<sent> The number of emails sent.
<delivered> The number of emails delivered.
<total_clicks> The total number of clicks for the email.
<unique_clicks> The number of unique clicks for the email.
<soft_bounced> The number of soft bounces for the email.
<hard_bounced> The number of hard bounces for the email.
<opt_outs> The number of opt outs for the email
<spam_complaints> The number of spam complaints for the email.
<opens> The number of opens for the email.
<unique_opens> The number of unique opens for the email.
<delivery_rate> The delivery rate based on the number of emails sent.
<opens_rate> The open rate based on the number of emails delivered.
<click_through_rate> The click-through rate based on the number of emails delivered.
<unique_click_through_rate> The unique click-through rate based on the number of emails delivered.
<click_open_ratio> The ratio between email clicks and opens.
<opt_out_rate> The opt-out rate based on the number of emails delivered.
<spam_complaint_rate> The spam complaint rate based on the number of emails delivered.
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