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PHP / apache_setenv — DevDocs


(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

apache_setenv Set an Apache subprocess_env variable


apache_setenv(string $variable, string $value, bool $walk_to_top = false): bool

apache_setenv() sets the value of the Apache environment variable specified by variable .

Note :

When setting an Apache environment variable, the corresponding $_SERVER variable is not changed.



The environment variable that's being set.


The new variable value.


Whether to set the top-level variable available to all Apache layers.

Return Values

Returns true on success or false on failure.


Example #1 Setting an Apache environment variable using apache_setenv()

apache_setenv("EXAMPLE_VAR", "Example Value");


Note :

apache_setenv() can be paired up with apache_getenv() across separate pages or for setting variables to pass to Server Side Includes (.shtml) that have been included in PHP scripts.

See Also

  • apache_getenv() - Get an Apache subprocess_env variable
PHP / getallheaders — DevDocs


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

getallheaders Fetch all HTTP request headers


getallheaders(): array

Fetches all HTTP headers from the current request.

This function is an alias for apache_request_headers() . Please read the apache_request_headers() documentation for more information on how this function works.


This function has no parameters.

Return Values

An associative array of all the HTTP headers in the current request, or false on failure.


Version Description
7.3.0 This function became available in the FPM SAPI.


Example #1 getallheaders() example


foreach (getallheaders() as $name => $value) {
    echo "$name: $value\n";


See Also

  • apache_response_headers() - Fetch all HTTP response headers
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PHP / virtual — DevDocs


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

virtual Perform an Apache sub-request


virtual(string $uri): bool

virtual() is an Apache-specific function which is similar to <!--#include virtual...--> in mod_include . It performs an Apache sub-request. It is useful for including CGI scripts or .shtml files, or anything else that you would parse through Apache. Note that for a CGI script, the script must generate valid CGI headers. At the minimum that means it must generate a Content-Type header.

To run the sub-request, all buffers are terminated and flushed to the browser, pending headers are sent too.

This function is supported when PHP is installed as an Apache module webserver.



The file that the virtual command will be performed on.

Return Values

Performs the virtual command on success, or returns false on failure.


See apache_note() for an example.



The query string can be passed to the included file but $_GET is copied from the parent script and only $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] is filled with the passed query string. The query string may only be passed when using Apache 2. The requested file will not be listed in the Apache access log.

Note :

Environment variables set in the requested file are not visible to the calling script.

Note :

This function may be used on PHP files. However, it is typically better to use include or require for PHP files.

See Also

  • apache_note() - Get and set apache request notes
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PHP / apcu_add — DevDocs


(PECL apcu >= 4.0.0)

apcu_add Cache a new variable in the data store


apcu_add(string $key, mixed $var, int $ttl = 0): bool
apcu_add(array $values, mixed $unused = NULL, int $ttl = 0): array

Caches a variable in the data store, only if it's not already stored.

Note : Unlike many other mechanisms in PHP, variables stored using apcu_add() will persist between requests (until the value is removed from the cache).



Store the variable using this name. key s are cache-unique, so attempting to use apcu_add() to store data with a key that already exists will not overwrite the existing data, and will instead return false . (This is the only difference between apcu_add() and apcu_store() .)


The variable to store


Time To Live; store var in the cache for ttl seconds. After the ttl has passed, the stored variable will be expunged from the cache (on the next request). If no ttl is supplied (or if the ttl is 0 ), the value will persist until it is removed from the cache manually, or otherwise fails to exist in the cache (clear, restart, etc.).


Names in key, variables in value.

Return Values

Returns TRUE if something has effectively been added into the cache, FALSE otherwise. Second syntax returns array with error keys.


Example #1 A apcu_add() example

$bar = 'BAR';
apcu_add('foo', $bar);
echo "\n";
$bar = 'NEVER GETS SET';
apcu_add('foo', $bar);
echo "\n";

The above example will output:

string(3) "BAR"
string(3) "BAR"

See Also

  • apcu_store() - Cache a variable in the data store
  • apcu_fetch() - Fetch a stored variable from the cache
  • apcu_delete() - Removes a stored variable from the cache
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PHP / apcu_cache_info — DevDocs


(PECL apcu >= 4.0.0)

apcu_cache_info Retrieves cached information from APCu's data store


apcu_cache_info(bool $limited = false): array|false

Retrieves cached information and meta-data from APC's data store.



If limited is true , the return value will exclude the individual list of cache entries. This is useful when trying to optimize calls for statistics gathering.

Return Values

Array of cached data (and meta-data) or false on failure

Note : apcu_cache_info() will raise a warning if it is unable to retrieve APC cache data. This typically occurs when APC is not enabled.


Version Description
PECL apcu 3.0.11 The limited parameter was introduced.
PECL apcu 3.0.16 The " filehits " option for the cache_type parameter was introduced.


Example #1 A apcu_cache_info() example


The above example will output something similar to:

    [num_slots] => 2000
    [ttl] => 0
    [num_hits] => 9
    [num_misses] => 3
    [start_time] => 1123958803
    [cache_list] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [filename] => /path/to/apcu_test.php
                    [device] => 29954
                    [inode] => 1130511
                    [type] => file
                    [num_hits] => 1
                    [mtime] => 1123960686
                    [creation_time] => 1123960696
                    [deletion_time] => 0
                    [access_time] => 1123962864
                    [ref_count] => 1
                    [mem_size] => 677
            [1] => Array (...iterates for each cached file)

See Also

  • APCu configuration directives
  • APCUIterator::getTotalSize() - Get total cache size
  • APCUIterator::getTotalHits() - Get total cache hits
  • APCUIterator::getTotalCount() - Get total count
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PHP / apcu_cas — DevDocs


(PECL apcu >= 4.0.0)

apcu_cas Updates an old value with a new value


apcu_cas(string $key, int $old, int $new): bool

apcu_cas() updates an already existing integer value if the old parameter matches the currently stored value with the value of the new parameter.



The key of the value being updated.


The old value (the value currently stored).


The new value to update to.

Return Values

Returns true on success or false on failure.


Example #1 apcu_cas() example

apcu_store('foobar', 2);
echo '$foobar = 2', PHP_EOL;
echo '$foobar == 1 ? 2 : 1 = ', (apcu_cas('foobar', 1, 2) ? 'ok' : 'fail'), PHP_EOL;
echo '$foobar == 2 ? 1 : 2 = ', (apcu_cas('foobar', 2, 1) ? 'ok' : 'fail'), PHP_EOL;

echo '$foobar = ', apcu_fetch('foobar'), PHP_EOL;

echo '$f__bar == 1 ? 2 : 1 = ', (apcu_cas('f__bar', 1, 2) ? 'ok' : 'fail'), PHP_EOL;

apcu_store('perfection', 'xyz');
echo '$perfection == 2 ? 1 : 2 = ', (apcu_cas('perfection', 2, 1) ? 'ok' : 'epic fail'), PHP_EOL;

echo '$foobar = ', apcu_fetch('foobar'), PHP_EOL;

The above example will output something similar to:

$foobar = 2
$foobar == 1 ? 2 : 1 = fail
$foobar == 2 ? 1 : 2 = ok
$foobar = 1
$f__bar == 1 ? 2 : 1 = fail
$perfection == 2 ? 1 : 2 = epic fail
$foobar = 1

See Also

  • apcu_dec() - Decrease a stored number
  • apcu_store() - Cache a variable in the data store
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